Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Luckbox helps a Friend

After a night from hell...(2 hours spent with EM)...I needed something to lift my spirits....A HU game with the luckbox was just the ticket!

It was a fabulous game. One of the better matches that I have played. I was in the lead first. Then the luckbox was able to pull a suckout on me and counter my 2 pair when a pair came on the board. Now CJ got the lead. I was able to recover and then get the lead again when he missed his draw. Proof that luckbox isn't always lucky. Finally, I was able to trap him when I hit the nut straight.

Thanks CJ for helping a friend who needed a little HU to lift my spirits.


Anonymous said...

I saw your post and this is what you must do.

You must break the law and do something that is humiliating to him. Beat him up - use your imagination.

Then when he takes you to court, you can publicly testify at the humiliating act you did. He must live with it for the rest of his life. The family, kids will find out, etc. He won't want to go through that - a free pass to kick his ass seabass!


Anonymous said...

Hi there poison. Just been on SLB's blog and read about your exploits in the $3 re-buy to the PCA. Well Played and very unlucky! Maybe next time.......

Dave said...

Nice showing at the PCA qualifier. So close but a $$ finish none the less. Grats!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the almost finish in the PCA qualifier. Don't be discouraged, you'll get there.